Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

lil' Devil

Just a little drawing of a devil head. Just black and white tones. Which just helps to figure out values without having to think about color. 

Season's Greetings 2013

Well, I've been posting less often these days . Just busy pursuing other outlets .
I always draw a fairy for Christmas season .  This year I wasn't satisfied with the them so I ended up drawing  4 of them . So I have more to chose from.
 Here is one . This is the first one I did this time. I tried drawing in pencil first then scanned it .
It was okay  but I tend to feel that if the finished piece is supposed to be a digital painting then drawing in pencil and then scanning seems to be unnecessary  steps.
Pencil  is for if I intend for it to remain  pencil.
- Lar

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


This , like most of my sketches  started off as a scribble .  Starts with a gesture  then becomes a sketch and  if I like that Then comes some color and some refining . This isn't done for any project . Just practice.
I dont know if I'll keep working on it.  I get impatient sometimes and ant to move on .
When there is no model available then I just make them up .  I always call it being lazy. ( for me)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Turkish Delights 2

Another pose from Turkish Delights.  I was a bit far away and had some other people in front of me.
So this is what I could see between the crowd.

More work from Live sessions

This was a digital drawing done at an Event called "Turkish Delights" in Downtown Los Angeles. 
Very interesting scene . It started at around 11 P.M. and went on for a couple of hours. 
This was I believe a 50 minute pose  with one break for the model. 
Since I was drawing/painting using my ModBook Pro I was at an advantage because the huge room was pretty dark .  but that also made for some pretty dramatic lighting which was great! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Live Model Session in Palms , Ca.

I'm so used to painting in Photoshop that I even use it when painting in a "Fine Arts" capacity.
This is a 4 hour pose session done At the Kline Academy of Art in Palms, California . 
These are great exercises for me to do because of my work I'm usually forced to draw figures and environments with no reference to go by but my memory. 
Obviously using a model or painting from a real environment is the best way to paint or draw representative art.  But  having to create an image of a flying saucer hoisting a giant sauropod across a futuristic cityscape  can create a challenge in the live model department. 
  By the way , I'm still a big fan of Photoshop but still trying to acknowledge that Corel Painter is good too! 

- Larry 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sketching at Gallery Girls

I've Been going to the last several  drawing sessions at the Gnomon school in Hollywood.
They are "Gallery Girls" events put together by Jennifer Fabos Patton.
This started out as a quick sketch and was the last of the evening but I liked it so much that I started embellishing it. I only had time to do the gestures at the event but I went back into it later!
_ Lar

Monday, March 4, 2013

Digital pen sketching

Here's a sketch using Photoshop  but with a setting to mimic a pen and ink drawing . Just simple line with no continuous tone applied. I to draw with pen and ink . But Photoshop keeps my hands clean and I don't have a problem with an ink bottle sliding and spilling off of my slanted drawing board.
Not enough hours in the day .