Monday, November 5, 2012

Live Model sketching

Here's another sketch done in Photoshop CS6 on my Modbook at the Kline Academy of Fine Art in Culver City. The model is Lena and works with the Gallery Girls. 
This was a 4 hour pose.
 I didn't think that 4 hours was long enough to do anything but lots of black and white drawings but it was just one pose . Digital painting has its advantages like not having to wait for the paint to dry ,et cetera. But it also has it's disadvantages like showing correct color and having to deal with glare on the screen .
Sometimes not working at a consistent size gets confusing too. 

Zombie 3

Here's another sketch of a Pin-up Zombie  All photoshop CS6 Sketching .

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Playing with figures

Here's part of a larger sketch of a group . Just playing around with color technique. Paint opaque layers or ad color in transparency ? 
Opaque painting is more like real painting and the transparent coloring is more like watercolor . 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mechanical Pencil

A page  in the Aquabee sketchbook . No Ideas . Just practice drawing what I like.
3b pencil lead in a Staedtler lead holder. 9X12 page.
July1, 2012.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

More little sketches

A tiny little sketch based on something I was working on recently . Just pencil on moleskine sketchbook. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Another sketch started in my Molskine Sketchbook with no idea in mind, drawn with a B9 graphite stick and filled up with ink and crow quill  this time.
Drawing in traditional media has a tangible joy to it that I can't get with digital media.
It's feels like sculpture . This little sketch is on a 8X11 sketchbook  although this is a cropped in scan of it.

Drawing pen

Getting back to the REAL Sketchbook. My Moleskine book.
Thick, off white creamish colored paper. Takes ink okay but absorbs just a bit too much.
Again , a lot of my sketches have no ideas they are just  practice drawings.
This started with a very soft graphite doodle and followed up with Acryilc-india ink and a Hunt drawing nib. May 5th ,2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Painter 12 soft charcoal

Back again on Painter 12  testing out the charcoal brushes. This seems to work a little smoother than past tests.  It's a softer brush so it easier to model and sketch.  I'm still not ready to throw Painter out yet.
Still have to see what I can get out of it. Photoshop is still more powerful .

Monday, January 30, 2012

Painter 12 again 20 minutes

Here I am agin taking Painter through it's paces. 
I actually like it better than before. Painter 12  have a lot of upgrades to the past versions . It seems to respond quicker but I'm not sure if it's because I also upgraded my main computer. 
The little sketch I did here is done in the oil pastel brush mode . The interface does seem"creamy" like oil pastels. I'm also starting to find that it works better when working at 100 percent view. Unlike Photoshop where I feel more comfortable working at a much smaller percentage because my file are usually 300dpi.
At 100 percent you see the texture and effects better .  
Well still playing around with it. 


Monday, January 9, 2012

Moleskine sketchbook pencil

Just pencil  on moleskine sketchbook  trying to get motivated .

Monday, January 2, 2012

Almost midnight sketch

I've been setting up missing apps and such, updating software and reading tech stuff all day and so I don't get drawing anything till almost midnight. 
By then I'm all tuckered out. 
I like the attitude on this little sketch though! 