Friday, January 29, 2010

Using photoshop like chalk

Most of these drawings start off as scribbles because I don't know what I'm going to draw when I do these. So just a line , just a gesture and maybe it looks like something to hang more lines onto. This sketch was done in photoshop using it like chalk and pencil. I could use Painter but Photoshop still seems to move more smoothly. Either I'll have to find some figure drawing studio or hire a model so I'm not just relying on memory to draw.
As for drawing like chalk in photoshop , Some people have asked me about the settings.
Pretty simple. Choose any brush , make sure the "Other Dynamics" are set to pen pressure and that those are set to zero ( or play around with it ) and sometimes activate textures on the brush and play around with that. I've done the same in painter but photoshop get's there quicker. Depends on what your final goal is.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Sketchbook Items

More graphite on Aquabee sketchbook paper.
Unfortunately the paper really drinks up the ink from the brush so it sort of feels like dry brush.
More Later perhaps.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

2b Pencil

Nothing special . Just a 2b pencil sketch on rough Aquabee Sketchbook paper.
I just like drawing heads but the body has to come along with it at some point.
This head is about two inches high . I spent about 15 minutes on it . There are so many shapes, hills and valleys in the face and head . It almost feels like sculpting when I draw. As I said before : this is just an exercise to make me drawing in my sketchbook or on my cintiq with no professional work in mind . I don't draw in my book like I used to. When I was a teenager I was constantly drawing in my books. But then I didn't have a career that demanded that I draw all day for commercial purposes. I'm not complaining about that. I just need to put in some extra time for myself.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Louise de Keroualle at the Getty

Okay , Nothing new right now. I've been spending all my working time trying to finish up my Shrek Storybook for Penguin and Dreamworks.
So at least I can post a digital painting that was done at the J. Paul Getty Museum.
I used my Modbook and painted in Photoshop on this one. I don't know if anyone paints in Museums anymore like they used to do "In the old days".
But at least I can paint digitally . I don't need to bring in oils and and easel and get written permission from the museum. You used to be able to do it at the Louvre but I haven't been there in so long. This is of an oil painting of some rich cat's mistress. Don't ask me who or for any particulars. I'm not one of those artists that knows names , dates and trivia about the artists and their histories. I just like the paintings and like to study them.

Friday, January 1, 2010

another page of pencils

Just another page of pencil sketches - Just practice. I received several sketchbooks for Christmas so I need to get busy . I can never just stick to one type of pencil leads . Right now I like the really soft ones. These are 4b pencil leads in a lead holder. I'm sure in a couple of weeks I'll be swearing by 2h leads.